Stepping Stones
The words expressed in this work of art were inspired by a very good friend. Through Her struggles and pains, she still managed to encourage me to seek after my dreams, what I truly gives me joy and the life I am eagerly going to have. I say to you, Thank you!
No need to re invent the wheel
One step, one choice to make, live
One consequence
Which is enough for one day
Live for today
You already know tomorrow is not promised
So just take it
One day at a time
Be stressfree, learn to clear your mind
Enjoy the moment you are in
Once it's gone, it is gone
Occupy your time with the things you love
Enjoy and hold the omes you adore
No day will ever be perfect
But live
Another reason why you should
Take one day at a time
Step on one stone, gain a memory
Build a legacy that will follow you
Leave the stone for someone else to learn from
If they struggle, grab their hand, pull them up
Every stone will not be round, or square or whole
The next may be broken and steady crumbling
Learn to hold on
Wait for God to put down the next stone dont rush him
It will be worth your previous pain
02.13.2013© Google+on©
