My Name
My Name
Searching for names like mine
Sharing common thoughts, like minds
interests and talents the oh too familiar
Googling myself not only but finding many similar
How rare was my name at birth
My Mom made it up, or so I thought
Defined my personality originated from a bible verse
To find out there were others before and after me
Regardless I am the only me despite our commonalities
My name is unique and quite beautiful I might add
Giving my child the same blessings that I had
A name that stands out in the crowd
First whispered, then said out loud
I love my name, I am Me and Proud!
My Name defines the likes we have
My Name defines the ways we share
My Name defines the talents we possess
My Name defines the level of achievement, Success
My Name defines our attitudes
My Name defines frame of mind and moods
My Name defines that we are all different in various ways
My Name define us as individuals with common names
My Name is my name, maybe your name
But this is the Name i am so proud to claim
Also given my nick names, which all also describe me
I am so me!
